Saturday, March 22, 2014

Liebster Award!

Thank you Girly Doll Type for this award!

1. Summer or Winter?
2. What's your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
3. Beach or Woods? Where is your ideal vacation spot?
I like them both, but my ideal vacation spot would be Hawaii
4. Country or City Girl?
City Girl!
5. Who was your first American Girl doll, if any?
Julie Albright
6. Homeschooled or do you go to school?
Go to school
7. Have you ever been to the American Girl store?
So many times I can't count!
8. Any pets?
Yes, 4 pigs and 3 dogs
9. Pink or Blue? Which one do you like better?
They are both my favorite colors but I will have to say pink
10. Do you share a bedroom?
With my dolls
11. What color shirt are you wearing? lol
A white sweater

Thank you so much for this award! 

I don't know who to nominate because everyone has already been nominated, so I nominate everyone! You can do this on your blog and say that I nominated you! :) Don't forget to link back here!!!
The Questions:
1.Do you play any sports?
2. Who was your first doll?
3.What is your favorite clothing store?
4.What do you do on your free time?
5. Would you rather video or photograph your dolls?
6. Read a paper book or on a device? or magazine?
8. Heels or flats?
9.What is your favorite color?
10. Do you wear makeup?
11. Shop at a store or online?

Luv Ya!

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