Hey girls! Guess what our amazing friend at aggirl79.blogspot.com gave us the Elegant blogger award!

-When you receive the award, link back to keepcalmandsparkle1099.blogspot.com. and the blog that nominated you
- Display the award button in a post
- Answer all of the 12 questions given in this post (Do not make up your own questions)
-Nominate 12 Bloggers
-Notify them that they have been awarded
-When you receive the award, link back to keepcalmandsparkle1099.blogspot.com. and the blog that nominated you
- Display the award button in a post
- Answer all of the 12 questions given in this post (Do not make up your own questions)
-Nominate 12 Bloggers
-Notify them that they have been awarded
1. What made you decide to start blogging?
I had a lot of awesome doll crafts and none of my friends liked dolls so I started blogging to share my ideas!
2. What is your fashion style?
Extremely girly and I also like tribal print things, boho style, lace, sparkly with a hint of nerd thrown in there! :)
3. What is something none of your follower know?
I have been dancing for 10 years
4. What are some of your blogging goals?
to get at least 50 followers
5. Where is your favorite place to shop?
I like JC Pennys, Dillards, Claire's, Target, mall, and online
6. What would be your ideal amount of blog followers be?
I want to try and make it to 50 then maybe 100
7. What are your talents?
Crafting, Organization, art, designing, teaching others
8. Are you a leader or a follower?
Well I would have to say both :)
9.What is your favorite quote?
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
smart and stylish
12. What is your favorite flower?
I don't have a favorite but I like morning glories and sun flowers
I have awarded
The Up Cycling Princess @ The Up Cycling Princess
Meghan @ http://girlydolltype.blogspot.com/
The Bowtique Girlz @ http://bow-tiquegirlz.webs.com/apps/blog/
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